sexta-feira, 18 de maio de 2007

These Boots Were Made for Navigatin'

These Boots Were Made for Navigatin'

Now that GPS units have made driving completely foolproof, its on to the next frontier: walking. German designer Martin Frey has developed a piar of shoes that include a route-finding system.
The description of the technology is a bit thin, but it seems like you'll use a smartphone, PDA or something similar to enter your destination into a map service and get a route. The device will then send signals via Bluetooth to your shoes, telling them where you are in relation to the calculated path. If you stray from the chosen route, the soles tilt right or left to signal which way to veer.
Let's hope the shoes never tell anyone to stand on a busy train track.
Follow your feet [New Scientist]
Posted by David Becker 2:04:35 PM

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