Referências de pesquisa do Curso de Mestrado Moda, Cultura e Arte, Centro Universitário Senac Santo Amaro São Paulo - Leonora Fink - São Paulo-SP - 2005 a 2008.
"Gato"- Inicialmente, no Corposcopio é adaptada uma webcam a um capacete, usado por interatores. Durante a dança, capta imagens e transmite para o computador, onde são editadas pelo VJ.
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Leonora Fink studied Communication Design at iadê and Arts at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado, FAAP (Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation). Leonora is also a Multimedia Designer, having studied at the Centro Universitário Senac Santo Amaro (Senac Universitary Centre Santo Amaro), where she's postgraduated at academic degree awarded after the completion of the academic program researches at the Master`s course Fashion, Culture and Arts. Leonora has taken part in several collective exhibitions with works of art and technology. Between these exhibitions should be highlighted the FILE - 2005, "E Por Falar em São Paulo" (About São Paulo) at the House of Representatives of São Paulo in 2004, and "Bits Flexíveis" (Flexible Bits) at the Museu da Imagem e do Som, MIS (Image and Sound Museum) in São Paulo.
She is the author of the Project iadê Art and Design, with the iadê live memory rescue.
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